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A Premier Small Event Space

Small Event Rates


Birthdays, Baby Showers, Graduation Open Houses, small family gatherings, meetings. Make the space your own for your special event needs! Seating for up to 45 guests, standing room up to 75 guests. Bring in your own food, drink, and decor and enjoy!

 Weekends (Fri, Sat, Sun) | $70/hr

Weekdays (Mon - Thurs) | $60/hr

All events require a contract as well as an additional $50 deposit refundable upon leaving the space in its condition prior to event. Events include use of available tables and chairs, 2 large trash bins, kitchenette with refrigerator, microwave, and coffee maker, furnishings, and restroom facility.  Balance due via PayPal no less than 48 hours prior to your scheduled event. Events can only be booked 6 months out.

Please note: The Space is not a full service event facility. We do not have an event staff and you are responsible for your own set up, clean up, planning, and coordinating.

To book -

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Small Events: Welcome
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